Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception) Parent Information

Please find below useful links to free online maths games which will support your child’s learning in mathematics.

This page provides links to a range of online activities.

This site has links to maths e-books. 

Letters and Sounds
This section contains links to free online phonics games which will support your child’s learning in letters and sounds. The games are divided into those appropriate for Foundation Stage children and those appropriate for Key stage 1.
This site contains information for parents about the Read, Write, Inc handwriting phrases that children are taught in reception to support letter formation.
A site for parents which explains about letter learning, letter formation, blending and tricky words.
Information about letters and sounds for parents.
Foundation Stage websites for children to use:
Alphablocks – the alphablocks games and programmes support children to make the correct letter sounds and blend these together to read. There are links to adult sections with advice for how to use the alphablocks games and episodes with supporting your child’s letters and sounds learning at home.
Digby the mole activities – these games encourage children to learn the individual letters, letter blends and their sounds. Games support children to identify the initial sounds of words, the end sounds of words and to identify rhyming words.
A great alphabet song to help children learn to recognise the capital letters and the names of the letters (we teach this song to children once they are confident with the letter sounds).
A site developed by a Primary school teacher which has videos to help learn the different sounds.
A site to support letter formation.
These sites have a collection of different phonics games from single and sound correspondence to blending to read.